Review: Shea Moisture Baby Body Wash/Shampoo Following Jamaican Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Review: Shea Moisture Baby Body Wash/Shampoo Following Jamaican Castor Oil for Hair Growth

We all know black people must show their hair lots of TLC with moisture, protective styling and so on and so forth. Nonetheless, babies are typically born with a good texture of hair but as they get older, they need that same care. Denny and Kam have beautiful, juicy curls and I’ve been looking for products to use for their hair.

My son Denny is a wild sleeper and mainly sleeps on his back which contributes to cradle cap. He’s lost most of his hair in the back. Kameron sleeps on his stomach so cradle cap isn’t a big issue but his hair is dry. I’d like to keep both of my boys’ hair in a healthy state. From time to time, I’d just spray olive oil in their hair before we’d leave out the door, but it made their hair heavy with oil. I tried a grease called “Baby Don’t be Bald”, an old school product me and my family used for years. That was also too greasy for their hair lol. Man, it left grease spots on the head of their car seats and it reminded me of the movie “Coming to America”- (singing) Let yooouuurrr soulll glowww!

Any way, one day I was browsing You Tube on ways you can cater to your baby’s hair and I found an interesting video uploaded by Youtuber Swaggy Swans. She has a hair regime for her infant daughter in which she just uses Shea Moisture’s body wash/shampoo and Jamaican castor oil. The link is below:

Baby Hair Care/Youtube Tutorial

I was so excited to go out and buy these products, yesterday on my lunch break I decided to run to the beauty supply store next door. I bought the Jamaican castor oil for $6.99. In the video Swaggy uses a medicine syringe to spread the oil throughout her baby’s hair. At the time, I didn’t understand why she didn’t just rub it in her hands and massage it in the scalp but I see now the oil is VERY thick. There are different ingredients that promotes different needs for the hair. I chose the one with peppermint oil infused. it smells really good and has a tingling feel that contributes to blood circulation in the scalp.


I purchased the Shea Moisture Wash from Walgreen’s for about $8 bucks but it was on sale for 30% off. Make sure to also sign up for Walgreen’s rewards points because it can help out with discounts as well.

Before bed last night I put my twins in the tub and washed their hair really good. I washed and rinsed once because this is a good cleansing poo. After getting them dressed I used the oil with the medicine syringe and used my fingers to massage it into the scalp. FYI I could not find their mini comb or brush which drove me crazy.

The Youtuber uses a cute little bonnet for her baby every night but I have boys so it’s a no-go for me.

This is my first time using the two but I will be updating you guys every week with any progress. Please let me know the products you use for your little one or if you do try this regime share with us how it turned out for you!

Signing off,

Kam and Denny’s Mom